As always, we then transitioned to Mr Mikes ‘Kind of Easy Trivia,’ and we finally have a winner!
They then transitioned to ‘Three Questions Too Many’ from Park Mazda.
Near the end of the final hour on today’s show, it was time for ‘Sobeys & Safeway Liquor Beer of The Week!’ Joel Field from Citizen Brewing Company joined the show to showcase the beer of the week! This week’s beer of the week is the ‘Batch 1 Blonde Ale.’ You can buy a four-pack for $12.99.
The boys finished the show with ‘The Wrap’ for William Huff
Show lessAs always, we then transitioned to Mr Mikes ‘Kind of Easy Trivia,’ and we finally have a winner!
They then transitioned to ‘Three Questions Too Many’ from Park Mazda.
Near the end of the final hour on today’s show, it was time for ‘Sobeys & Safeway Liquor Beer of The Week!’ Joel Field from Citizen Brewing Company joined the show to showcase the beer of the week! This week’s beer of the week is the ‘Batch 1 Blonde Ale.
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